Friday, April 23, 2010

iDVD 16:9 Aspect Ratio Not Working

I just created a DVD with iDVD for a neighbor who already had the movie in AVI format, but needed a menu maker and a DVD drive.

We had the hardest time getting the 16:9 aspect ratio to work. iMovie recognized it fine, but iDVD kept playing back the video at 4:3 instead.

I found this neat little "droplet". I was able to drag the AVI file onto it, and it created an amamorphic video link file for the original file. Drag into iDVD and boom! The alternative was to purchase QuickTime to be able to access the Window -> Movie Properties menu.

Thank you, whoever authored this piece of code!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

File Upload with Zend Framework

If you are using a more recent version of Zend Framework (i.e. 1.10), don't make the
same mistake that I have made at least three times now.

First, call isValid. THEN, call receive(). From what I can tell, there is a Validator on the file object, which verifies the existence of the file in the tmp folder. However, when you call receive(), the file is moved to the destination folder.

So, your code should look something like this:

if($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getParams())) {

if ($form->name->receive()) {
// create success message here
// or create a Zend_Filter_File_Rename

File uploads in Zend has been a very challenging problem to me. I'd like to blame the documentation, but Thomas Weidner would not appreciate that very much.